028 3756 9899

Defibrillator (AED) training ongoing in Caledon

Defibrillator (AED) training is ongoing for community volunteers in Caledon. The first of two refresher courses is completely booked up and will take place this week. If you are interested in training, there may be a limited number of places available on an upcoming course. Please message me on Caledon Regeneration Partnership’s Facebook or contact me at:-
The Defibrillator is located in Caledon village at the side of the Courthouse – we would particularly like to hear from people living or working in or around the village. The device is a public access defibrillator and has been registered as such with the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service. In an emergency phone 999 for the 3-digit code to access the device.

The defibrillator and cabinet was purchased with funding from DARD under the Micro Capital Grants scheme.  We are indebted to Tynan Surgery for their generous contribution and to local traders and community members who supported the initiative and raised funds for the training of community volunteers.  Many thanks to all those who have already undergone training.